Friday, March 27, 2020

Different Types of Tutoring Certifications

Different Types of Tutoring CertificationsA variety of certifications exist, but they all have one thing in common: a recognized, established organization or institution that oversees the certification. The various certification courses are geared toward the different areas of education and the different classes needed to become certified.One of the most popular types of tutoring certification is in the area of arts education. Taught by a qualified arts instructor, arts programs are geared toward the field of fine arts, painting, music, theater, or dance. Classes cover the basics and allow students to master what they need to know to get started in a particular area. A student's eligibility to take a class may depend on which state the individual lives in.Students who are starting their education or who are interested in learning more about art training can enroll in an arts curriculum. Often times, programs are offered in public schools or even the community college. These programs will provide art instruction and other subjects students will need to work with to get started.Other subjects students can take include computer science, business, political science, and history. Other courses may be included for specific fields of study. Most students enrolled in any given program will complete their education with a general education certificate. Although their skills may be not be at a high level, these students can still pursue their interests and obtain employment.If a student has other goals besides college courses, it is best to take the basic class first. Students who graduate from such programs often find that they have a better understanding of what they want to do with their future career.Many students are also taking online education certifications. Because online courses are often cheaper than attending a traditional classroom, many students find they are better off completing the required coursework online. Online students will also be able to complete the coursework at their own pace.Tutoring certifications are offered in many different schools and institutions. These certifications allow students to get familiar with the fields of study they are interested in while receiving their education. An accredited institution will always have a robust foundation that their students can rely on.

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Strategic Approach to Earning Higher Grades

A Strategic Approach to Earning Higher Grades Improving Academic Performance In a recent Linkedin article, I wrote about how we tend to underappreciate the importance of strategy relative to hard work or intelligence in understanding why some people succeed and others fail in any given professional, academic, or personal endeavor. I also suggested that my experience as a business strategy consultant has helped me realize that there are powerful principles of strategy development used by businesses that students could borrow to improve their academic performance. The idea that you can perform well in school by In that article, I introduced three particularly important elements of business strategy development. The strategy development process â€" or, the process companies use to come up with ideas for what to do or not to do to beat the competition. The concept of market attractiveness vs. competitive position, which explains whether a company is likely to succeed (or fail) because it operates in a good market (or a bad one), is doing something better than its direct competitors, or some combination The notion of key success factors vs. core competencies, which helps explains why a company is positioned well in any given market (or not) In this article, I’ll explore point 1 above, how an understanding of the strategy development process could help students improve their performance in any given class. What is a typical strategy development process, and how can it be applied to situations faced by students? Let’s start by exploring a typical business strategy development process. It consists of the following steps: Establish a goal. A typical corporate goal is to “double the value of the stock price in five years” Develop a fact-base of critical information and insights. In business strategy, this is typically a financial analysis of which products, regions, and customers generate most of your profits, a discussion of the size and growth of your key markets, and an assessment of how you compare to key competitors Identify key issues and opportunities associated with reaching your goal In business strategy, this could be a wide range of things, from “we are losing money in this market” to “this competitor is rapidly stealing our market share” Define and evaluate alternative courses of action This is a big one. Many companies come up with ideas to solve problems, and they either decide to take action or not. Instead, at least three different and reasonable “strategies” for reaching your goals should be developed. Businesses evaluate alternatives against criteria like the risk of the alternatives, how much they’d have to invest, the time it will take, etc. Develop a plan for implementing the best alternative Once a business knows what strategy it’s going to follow, it creates a specific plan of attack for what it will do and who is accountable for each action. How can this be helpful to a student? Envision a student sitting in his first AP history class of the year. He is given a syllabus, and told what books to read. The typical approach is to do the homework that is assigned, show up to class, and work hard. How could one apply a strategic planning process to that class to increase the chances of getting an A? Set a goal for your performance in the class. Decide you want to get an A. Tell someone your goal is to get an A. First, it’s critically important to set a specific goal. Business know that if you don’t set a specific, measurable goal that everyone understands and feels accountable for, you aren’t going to achieve that goal. Research done by Heidi Grant Halvorson, a professor at Harvard, suggests that setting specific goals is one of the most important things that separates more successful from less successful people. So it’s simple. If your goal is to receive an “A” in the class, that means you need to be getting ‘As’ on all homework, quizzes, and tests. It creates an entire mindset around how you’ll perform and what you’ll do that just doesn’t exist if you say “I want to do my best in the class.” Don’t try your best. Decide you are shooting for an A.. Develop a fact-base of critical information. How is the teacher going to run the class? Of course, “developing a fact-base” in the context of developing a strategy for a company vs. in the context of developing a strategy for getting an ‘A’ in an AP History class are going to be two very different things. When I say “critical information” in the context of AP history, I don’t mean facts and theories about events and people in history. That’s the content of the class, and that’s not the critical information I’m talking about. In my experience, most students just “go with the flow” as it relates to understanding how their grade in the class will be determined. Most will probably read the syllabus to understand whether homework is graded, whether attendance matters, how many tests there are, etc. After that, they focus on the next day’s homework. But if you pay closer attention to how the teacher is designing the class, you can discover a bunch of super helpful information that can be useful to you as you decide how to approach the class. For example: What percentage of your grade is determined by attendance, participation, homework, projects, quizzes, tests, midterms, and the final exam? Are you supposed to or allowed to work with classmates on homework? Do quizzes cover materials discussion class, from the book, or both? Can you share and discuss drafts of essays with the teacher in advance and get feedback? Does or she have office hours? Are the classes/lectures the focus of what is tested, or does assigned reading from the book or supplementary Identify key issues and opportunities associated with reaching your goal If your goal is an ‘A’ in the class, these types of issues and opportunities could be wide ranging. Here are some example “issues and opportunities” you might uncover: Most of the grade is determined by written essays, and I’ve historically not done well in essay-based classes (or vice versa, which would be a good thing) A fair portion of the grade is determined by class participation, and I’m uncomfortable speaking up in class (again or vice versa) There is a ton of work to do in this class (lots of reading, many quizzes, etc.) and my schedule is already very full There is a huge project that is worth 33% of the final grade, and I have 3 months to begin to work on it, etc. These issues and opportunities could have a negative or positive spin. But the important point is that they are all important factors to consider when thinking about your goal of getting an A in the class and designing a plan for reaching that goal. Define and evaluate alternative courses of action Here is where you, as a student, can step back and think about 2-3 broad ways to approach the class. Remember, everyone faces tradeoffs in how they spend their time and has their own personal strengths and weaknesses. No one has unlimited time, so you’ll have some choices to make as you attempt to get an A in the class. That said, I think that in the context of an AP history course, the “best alternative” will become clear based on a deep understanding of the teacher’s approach to the class. For example, if the class seems to place a lot of weight on quizzes, tests, and exams, with a few minor papers or a project thrown into the mix and no participation grade, then an approach to the class that focuses on carving out substantial time for reviewing class notes, completing all homework and assigned readings, and making sure you fully understand all major and minor points raised in class (perhaps even by attending office hours to ask questions) probably makes sense. An alternative approach would still have you keeping up with homework, but would have you writing essays in advance and getting feedback from the teacher, completing projects early and iterating with the teacher to improve your project grade, etc. If, for example, the class places a large weight on performance on a major essay you’ll have to write, and you typically struggle writing essays, you should have an alternative that involves planning ahead to iterate with your teacher and get feedback on drafts of your essay. You’ll naturally be able to map out the alternative that maximizes your chances of getting an A and is best aligned with your strengths and weaknesses. Develop a specific plan for implementing the rough alternative you’ve chosen The final step is to spend a little time putting pen to paper to write out the actions you’re going to take to get that A in AP US History. For example, I will: Sit in the front of the class to force myself to participate, since participation matters Focus on reviewing class notes relative to reading the textbook or supplementary articles for homework, as most of the tests are pulled from topics specifically discussed in class Complete essays in advance and iterate on rough drafts with the teacher Complete every single homework assignment, because that alone accounts for 20% of my grade Etc.

How to revise for GCSE science

How to revise for GCSE science GCSE Science is a two-GCSE sized (double award) qualification covering the three science disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. To ensure a pass at a high level, you need to revise all of the content and be aware of what examiners want from you. Here's how to revise the subject fully. Step 1. Use a good revision guide A science revision guide is key. To make it work for you, read it fully and then adapt what you read so you can remember the information clearly. Try making notes as you read through the guide, create flashcards for the key concepts and theories, and then re-write and condense your notes. Keep doing this until you can explain a topic or process from a few bullet points. Step 2. Incorporate diagrams, and flow charts into your revision techniques Diagrams and flow charts are an excellent way to adapt your revision notes of a process into a visual guide that will help you see it fully and learn how it works. Flashcards are also excellent for learning scientific definitions and keywords. Write the word on one side and the definition on the other and test yourself daily. Step 3. Make sure you cover the whole of your syllabus Grades will be given on your understanding of all three disciplines, so ensure you include the whole of your syllabus in your revision, not just your strongest areas. You never know what's going to come up, so you have to ensure you have it all covered. Step 4. Check your understanding Remember you can't revise what you don't understand so before you start your revision, look for your knowledge gaps and seek help. Your teacher or a Science tutor will be able to fill these gaps in and help you catch up in time if you tackle them now. Step 5. Use past test papers properly Past papers are the key to revising science. Firstly don't use past papers until you have done a large amount of revision, this way you can test your knowledge. Then when using past test papers, ensure you mimic the exam setting fully both with time and also with how you answer. When you come to mark the paper also make sure you are harsh on yourself with the mark scheme. If you haven't got the answer completely right then, you need to write down what the examiner wanted and make sure you learn it. More importantly, notice the trends and patterns in the question style of all the past papers you use as this is likely to be replicated in your own GCSE. Another way to use this to your advantage because no matter how much you know the content if you can't apply it to the mark scheme of your examining board, you won't get the marks. Step 6. Back up your learning with YouTube videos Finally, after you have gone through your revision guide back up your knowledge and test yourself with YouTube videos and worksheets. Free Science lessons on YouTube is a brilliant site to use for revision. It goes through all the main topics in a clear and concise way. Test yourself on the areas and take notes as you watch. For a combined science tutor near you contact us.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top Cover Letter Tips to Land the Job

Top Cover Letter Tips to Land the Job Image via Tailor it to each specific job The last thing recruiters want to read is another generic cover letter that could have been used for any other job. They have read enough of those; they want to see something fresh! It’s okay to have a generic letter but be sure to tailor it to each specific job you apply to. You can do this by doing some research on the company and figuring out what their culture is like. What are their values? What is their mission? Are they laid back or formal? Also, take another look at the listing and find out what exactly they are looking for. Present yourself as someone who can solve those problems and who fits in perfectly with their mission. This does require some extra work, but it’s worth it when a recruiter reads a cover letter that’s tailored to their company rather than another boring generic letter. Start off strong The first paragraph of your letter is crucial. Make sure you use that to your advantage! Write an introduction that will catch the recruiter’s attention and keep them reading until the end. You don’t want them to read your introduction and then throw your application away. At the same time, don’t forget to re-state the job you are applying for. Sometimes, resumes and cover letters get separated, and you don’t want the recruiter to go through the trouble of figuring out which position you are interested in. Focus on the company, not on you Doing research on the company beforehand will also allow you to focus on the company rather than yourself in your letter. Many people will tell you to use to word “I” sparingly in your cover letter because recruiters want to hear more about how you can benefit their company rather than how great you are. Like I said before, focus on the company and what you can add to it. Proofread Your cover letter is one place you don’t want to make a silly mistake. It is way too easy to overlook a typo when you’re writing on your computer, especially when you rely on spell check to catch all your mistakes. Spoiler alert: spell check doesn’t catch all typos … it won’t tell you that you typed “food” when you meant to type “good.” Make sure that at least one other person takes a look at your letter before you send it off. They might even give you some ideas to help you better express yourself. Avoid making these silly mistakes by having someone else proofread your letter after you’ve done it yourself. Don’t make it too long Recruiters read many cover letters, so they don’t want each letter to be too long. Usually, they recommend keeping your letter to a maximum of one page. For this reason, you should keep your letter short, sweet, and to the point, but informative, too! The company’s first impression of you will be your cover letter, so you want to make sure it is excellent. Do your research on the company, write your letter (focusing on the company and not on yourself, of course), and then have a friend or two proofread it. If you do that, you should be good to go. Good luck with your job search!

What does it take to be the worlds best teacher

What does it take to be the world’s best teacher Being a teacher encompasses so much more than relaying information from a textbook to a classroom of students, assigning homework, and grading tests. The best teachers in every school do things differently from their colleagues - they’re the innovators, the motivators, the global citizens. The Global Teacher Prize is “an annual 1 million dollar award that will be given to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession”. The Varkey Foundation established the award in 2014 with the intention of recognizing the greatest teacher in the world every year. The winner of the Global Teaching Prize is selected by a large committee, dubbed the Global Teacher Prize Academy, which is composed of “head-teachers, educational experts, commentators, journalists, public officials, tech entrepreneurs, company directors and scientists from around the world” - and Kevin Spacey. In naming the world’s best teacher, the Academy takes a lot into consideration. Perhaps striving to meet some of the criteria they use in determining the winner of the Global Teacher Prize could help growing teachers around the globe develop their teacher skills and become a better teacher. According to the Varkey Foundation, here’s what it takes to be the world’s best teacher: Recognition Other awards on the local or national level Positive press and publicity Strong references in the education community, including from students, other teachers, parents, and principals Involvement on boards and/or organizations that participate in the advancement of education Creation of Dialogue/Encouragement Encourages others to join the profession of teaching Produces media - social media, articles, blogs, debates Furthers the status of teaching in the school and community Innovation Uses new and effective practices that result in positive learning outcomes for students Integrates technology to advance the modern classroom Teaching Effectiveness Demonstrates that classroom methods achieve learning outcomes Students achieve good grades, attendance, behaviour, and find success outside the classroom and in the future Community Excellence Community awards Participates in public talks/seminars Helps to develop the greater community Brings the community to the classroom Hopefully these inspire to you keep being the best educator you can be - and maybe even the world’s greatest teacher! For more information on the Global Teaching Prize: The Academy (judging committee) Judging criteria 2015 winner More about the prize

International School of Kenya

International School of Kenya International School of Kenya The International School of Kenya (ISK) is a private, non-profit PreK-Grade 12 school created in 1976 through a joint partnership between the governments of the United States and Canada. Nestled on 50 acres of a former coffee plantation, ISK serves the educational needs of both expatriate and Kenyan students who seek a challenging, North American curriculum together with the rigorous International Baccalaureate Diploma program. All decisions at ISK are guided by three foundation documents. Taken together, these documents define our purpose, the educational beliefs that drive learning, and the specific learning outcomes we are committed to developing in each student. Those three documents are the Mission, Vision, and Educational Aims. Mission- ISK inspires and nurtures passion, creativity and ambition in pursuit of a better world. Vision- Empowering students to create solutions for tomorrows challenges. Educational Aims - We strive to develop students of character who learn, create, act and solve in a collaborative and engaging environment.

Organic Chemistry - Learn With YouTube Chemistry

Organic Chemistry - Learn With YouTube ChemistryIf you want to learn organic chemistry from an online science course, then I can advise you to take the popular YouTube organic chemistry tutor Sn1 Sn2 E1 2 by Professor David Gordon. This will give you a good base to build on from for your organic chemistry studies and you will get excellent information and motivation with the organic chemistry tutorials. This is why we at Organic Chemistry Tutors love the videos and we have chosen this chemistry tutor to introduce organic chemistry to your children.Professor Gordon, also known as the Mp3 Professor, has a very clear and concise style of teaching, easy to understand by your children. He explains the terminology and concepts in a good, logical and orderly manner. There are five video lessons for you to follow. These include the basics, nutrients, fluids, solids, and gases.Most of the chemistry tutor video series come with homework and practice problems to help you understand what the ins tructor is saying. You can find out how to master all the topics that you are studying so that you can study well. There are quizzes and exams available in which you can check your answers.When you watch the videos and take the chemistry tutor online, it is essential that you fully grasp what he is saying. In fact, some of the topics that are covered in these videos are essential in organic chemistry. The main problem here is that you cannot be more detailed in a discussion if you do not understand what is being said. Your children should be able to understand the concepts that you are explaining, though they might not understand the words that you use.YouTube is one of the most famous and most popular websites on the internet. It has more than three hundred million users. Each time you watch these videos, you learn something new. You will definitely benefit from the organic chemistry tutorials, which you can find on YouTube.If you like the chemistry tutor and want to learn organic chemistry from him, then you can find his links at the end of this article. There are five videos in all and each one can be viewed independently or in parallel. You can find out more about the courses offered by the professor David Gordon at Organic Chemistry Tutors website.After watching the video, you can easily get help at York University Science Technology Online website, which has lots of other helpful resources for you. The site has many useful and interesting features for all its members, including free online chemistry tutoring with top academics.

Drop In Tutoring - How An Inside Look At Academic Success Explains

Drop In Tutoring - How An Inside Look At Academic Success ExplainsIt's interesting to see the contrast between UW Madison, a city on the top of the Midwest, and Iowa City, one of the traditional cities of this part of the world. This city has completely changed the American policy of education. Here we have a situation where school administrators prefer for children to be exposed to technology instead of music and art. Music, for example, is still an important part of education, but even more than this, students must learn to use it properly.The University of Iran has a teaching program called Logic Tutoring, which focuses on developing children's logic skills. The strategy is to create a child's mind as if he or she were younger, so that they can grow in their thinking and decision-making ability. There are a lot of conditions in the US, but in other countries, the government does a lot of tutoring, which uses small private tutors or even a professor from a private university to tea ch children.A lot of American citizens don't realize that they can find foreign tutors to teach their children in the US. Foreign tutors can be really expensive, but this will give you an opportunity to give your children a chance to learn something new. There are some professors in the United States who are very successful at tutoring students, but it will not happen if you don't try.Wisconsin offers many things that make it a great place to start a drop in tutoring program. The location in the state is ideal, as well as the learning environment. Students can study without fear of getting lost in a university campus or shopping malls. All students will be taught in a language which is close to their own native tongue.Many students find it easier to study in their native language, rather than having to repeat it everytime they want to. This can be difficult for many students who are afraid of failing, especially if they have to repeat the same piece of work over again. They will not be able to do that if they are only taught in English. Many students will prefer to learn a new language so that they can interact with people in their society and culture, as well as improve their own culture in the United States.English is the language most students in the United States are taught in the American curriculum. While this will definitely make it easier for your child to learn, the curriculum was built for students who speak English as their first language. If your child needs to learn a second language, your first choice will be to choose the University of Iowa in order to get involved in a tutoring program. You will be able to communicate with many professors from all over the world, and they will help your child to think critically and to get better at reading and writing.This program will be geared towards developing skills in English, such as pronunciation and spelling. It will also make your child learn about how technology works, which will help them make a po sitive choice when they are young about how they want to learn. Their computer and phone usage will also be assessed and they will be given feedback on how they are doing. If you are looking for a way to get your child better, you might consider enrolling in an English program at the University of Iowa.

Can You Find An eBook Version Of Chemistry Zumdahl 8th Edition?

Can You Find An eBook Version Of Chemistry Zumdahl 8th Edition?A lot of people don't know that there is an eBook version of Chemistry Zumdahl 8th Edition pdf available on the Internet. There are thousands of books and also magazines that have a lot of information on chemistry but these aren't in pdf format so people who want to learn chemistry can find it easier by using the internet to locate them.The first thing you will find out is that it is a large book that consists of chapters and the chemistry topics that you want to learn about. I was able to find a lot of information about the structure of molecules and the various elements but you will need to use your own judgment when it comes to what you want to learn.The best way to search for chemistry textbooks is to go to the internet and look up the name of the chemical element. This way you will find out if it is in the Zumdahl series or not.After you find the books that you want to use, I would recommend that you download the pdf from their website and get it to read. If you prefer to print it then you can do this by buying one from the bookstore and then downloading it from the online store. If you are looking for a quality product for your money, you will definitely want to read the book.If you are going to purchase the book directly from the publisher or from an online store, then make sure that you choose the Zumdahl series book. It is not hard to get through them all. It's just a matter of knowing where to look.Another way to get through them all is to purchase it from the online stores that sell chemistry supplies. These stores will usually carry the books that are part of the Zumdahl series, they will sell some of them as well as the other series of books.You don't want to rush into making a decision as you want to take your time and make sure that you are getting the best deal. The good news is that you can still find a great price on the book from an online bookstore.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Ap Computer Science Tutor Review

Ap Computer Science Tutor ReviewAp Computer Science Tutor, one of the popular applications in teaching computer science, has been launched by a company called Chegg. They give hundreds of tutorials with a simple interface and free trial period for the rest of its users. This is a welcome move as it can help individuals who are just starting to learn on computers.Ap Computer Science Tutor is made by Chegg which has been making their application accessible for users all over the world. The application allows you to write your own articles with simple language. These articles can be about any subject and can either be in text or in video format.As a computer science teacher, I think this tool will be very useful for students who wish to learn more on the subject. It is very easy to use and would enable me to help my students the best way possible. Besides, as a teacher, I want my students to learn from someone who is professional and a great person to learn from.Ap Computer Science Tuto r is available in many formats including textbooks and printouts, video tutorials, audio tutorials, Java program, learning cube, etc. You can read some reviews on the app from various websites.The great thing about Ap Computer Science Tutor is that it is easily downloadable and is available for free. This makes the app much more useful to the users. This type of app helps you communicate and teach effectively in a simple and easy manner. For instance, you can easily download a free tutorial to your desktop and then share it to your students to help them learn effectively.The interactive tutorials are very easy to use. It does not require that you to become an expert in computer science before you can start using this application.Ap Computer Science Tutor will definitely help you get rid of some important technicalities on the topic of computer science. Hence, if you need to learn more on the subject, try the application and see how you can use it to get more information.